Page 181 - 2013 Columbian
P. 181
Future Farmers of America
The ational A Organization i a great opportunity for any tudent. There
arc many activitie to participate in from ore try, Yet i ·ting. Hor e Judging,
Tractor Driving, griculturc Mechanic , Yeggic Judging, to reed peaking and
many more. But more than all of the activitie , it teache tudent leader hip
kill and how to work a a team. rom helping clean up road ide ditche to
helping each other to tudy for all of the written te t needed for competition .
ach competition will te t the tudent to identify certain tool , and to perform
difficult ta k . The competition the ho t are very vigorou and involve a
lot of hand on learning. ot only do they have competition , they have project
that they work on all ummer long. The F A rai e teer , pig , and goat to
how in the local ounty air. rom bu) ing your teer to going to your fir t
weigh in to ee how much you have gained from when you fir t tarted. to going
up for the Ia t weigh in before the actual fair; Working with the e animal will
teach you re pect and re pon ibility. The r ward from doing thi umm r
proj ct, i a \ ell-developed en e of how to care for animal and the want to
Heather Lindboe
Right,, hi' \n \\ il on . hO\\> the
enior Chapter steer at the
Columb1a ount) fair.
Julian Little
FFA Creed
"I believe in the future of agriculture,
with a faith born not of word but of
deed -achievement won by the
pre ent and pa t generation of
agriculturi t ; in the promi e of b tter
day through better way , even a th
b tter thing we now enjoy have
come to u from the tr,~ggl of
former year ...
Breanna Louden