Page 254 - 2013 Columbian
P. 254
It is so ~a.,-d to believe t~at t~e tiW\e is ~e.,-e .. your SeV\iOt" yea.,-!! We ~ave watc~ed you. fJt"OW
fr:oW\ a lovely little gid to a ~Mature you.V\g lady. 11-wou.g~ t~e years you. ~ave ~ad W\aV\y
obstacfes to ove.,-coW\e aV\d managed to get t~t"ou.g~ t~eW\. SoMe of whic~.~ we.,-e OV\ you..,- OWV\.
Most people would ~ave 9iven up and you. didV\'t.~ w~ic~ says soMething about you. as a pet"SOV\.
Neve.,- give up OV\ you..,- dr~ams!f As o.,-. OV\Ce said .. " Be w~o you. are aV\d say w~at you.
feel., because those who MiV\d d.oV\'t ~Matter and t~ose who ~Matte.,- doV\'t W\iV\d." " I aW\ always
doirl!J tnat which I caV\not do .~ iV\ o.,-der t"'at I May learn "'ow to do it"- Pablo Picasso. We will
always love you For w~o you. a.,-e. You. will always be our little gid . ..
L.ove alwa~ a.ttd fo.,-ever.~ ~~, cal'\ do alf ~is through him who gives me str'ei'\!J't"·.,
MoW\.~ N~hy aV\d op Pop P~ilippiai'\S 4-:l.-3