Page 249 - 2013 Columbian
P. 249

"BJnd (noun)  I. A group of  people unrled together tor one purpose  In marchmg band you  become one brg  family. It all begrns wllh  10  hour days of  band camp
       where we all  meet  lor  the  trrstlrme  We  learn the basrcs. and start our  show  We contrnue mto the school  year wllh 3 hour practrces alter school  to run  and perfect
       our  sets  for  the halltrrne 'how. Jnd we leJrn lhJl ·one more trme·  never  reJIIy rne.Jns JUSt  one more trme. Our FrrdJy nrghts lor  freedom .Jre  sJcrrtrced  to be  pent
       smgrng. playrng Jnd dancrng our hearts out m the stands. especrJIIy tor the  ''Tiger Frght  Song··  Ultrmately. we are one brg  family.  who bands together lor one pur-
       pose·  to have  lun. and mJke memorres."'  ·Brrttany Mrlrto.  Head  Drum Mator

                                        Robrn  Fowler.  M,11v1n  Anthonv. Trey Tomlrn\on. PJolo BJILJ.  DJilon  Drrgger~. Rrd,y Brown.  lo\eph MJtthews.
      Alexrs Robrson.  AmandJ Srmmons.
                                        taquel  Brownlee.  lohn  lankr.  lust in True  dale.  Pat renee  Colson.  Alexandrea  krnner.  nc Brod ..  Mrkayla Luke, Colby
      KJyla  McDade.  PJolo BaiLJ.  Braxton  lack  on.
                                        Hollmgsworth. Ethan  Morse. Braxton  IJd,son, BrJdley Muchow. Gregory Lambert,  tames  Milew  l..i.  Christopher
      LorrJnne  Pocod ..  and Matthew Gunter
                                        Nettles. Matthew Gunter.  Hannah Gould, and ChmlrJn Morse
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