Page 72 - 2013 Columbian
P. 72
~O~S Onl~ The 0-trong 0urvive
Wei ht\iftJn
The CHS Boy Weightlifting team i room" aid another Senior Antonio
83 trong but only 33 get to Pelham. Although mo t ol the boy
compete. It' a tough team to get join weightlirting to keep in hape
on but the boy work hard to lift a for football there are some who join
much a they can. "We work hard becau e they want to be able to lift
and pu h each other to be better more than they already do. The boy
every year. This keep u in shape for compete in different weight cia ses
football" said Senior Laremy Tun il. and lift different amounts. So be sure
"Weightlirting i competitive. The to head out to the weight room and
weight room i the road to the state cheer the boys on during their next
championship. We have to be able to match.
win on the field and in the weight
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Laremy Tun II (12th) stands behind Javere Sm1th (12th) and
helps h1m as he bends mto a front squat. Javere wants to bench 370 Pu Zyenc Woods (lOth) I inishes h1s power clean. Zyeric wants to bench 195
pounds and power clean 190 pounds by the end of the eason.
pounds and power clean 355 pounds by the end of the season .