Page 118 - 2014 Columbian
P. 118

GE~ SMART stnves to  nspwe  a
       passion  for sc ence and technology in  the
       communrty.  In  the summer of 2013.  our
       student-run engineer·ng camp for chrldren
       was a huge success.
           Last f'all.  students desrgned  and burlt
       Magnum PSI.  a t-shirt cannon that can
        aunch shwts over the stands  n Trger
       Stadium' We've  demonstrated Magnum's
       ab:htres at almost every elementary schoo
       rn  the county  K ds absolutely love  him
            Our team's success has spawned
        three levels of engineering classes  at CHS.
        whrch  allow students to get certrfied  rn
        professional engrneenng programs  These
        classes  led  to the donation of a  free  3D
        pnnter t  at allows us to pnnt 3D  obJects
        out o;- plastrc
            Tne  team has also changed  rts
        members' lives by introducing ::nem
        to new '1fe  skrlls  and career  fields.  GET
        SMAR'" has brought so  much more to
        Lat<e  City than just robots!

        A few  m rnber  are  howing  il couple of kid\  how to oper dte the t-shirt cannon,
        Magnum P  I with an XBox 360 controller. TI1ey've made it  \O easy, a kid  can do it!
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