Page 119 - 2014 Columbian
P. 119
(Above) Community outr e<~ch i a huge pdrt of robotics. Hert, emor
'Tlember Brayden Tl ornus is giving a presentation to a local elern ntar y
In the three Jdjacent picture ,
you can see three different
group hard at work: The build
team (top), controL /programming
(top lelt), and Publil Relntions
There\ mar to the te<tm than just mdking robots. Oelt). Team members come lrorn
all diflerent \o\oalks or life, <~nd
Essdys. lund r <~ising, ,md other non-technic dl jobs
me needed ds ..... dl. Some members or the PR and ea h use hi or her O\o\on unique
f'innnce tec1m &e seen working behind the scene~ kill to help pu h the team to
here (right) ictor !