Page 206 - 2014 Columbian
P. 206
X a fie,
Congratu{ations on comy{eting sucfi a
major mi{estone in your {ije. We are so
yroutf of you ant£ your accomy{isfiments.
We {ove you ant£ wi{{ a{ways 6e fiere for
you as you embark on tfiis next journey
in {ije. ':for I know tfie y{ans I fiave for
you", says tfie Lorr£. ccTfiey are y{ans for
goat£ and not for disaster, to give you a
future ant£ a fioye" ]eremiafi 29:11. Tfiis
is our yrayer for you as we{[
Love, Vat£, Mom & .M.acie