Page 211 - 2014 Columbian
P. 211

AT IA                                         BRAN

      Congratulations Kotionn  on  this  great occompl shment!  No matter
      what  life  throws  at you.  if you  work  as  hard  to overcome it  as  you
      hove worked  in  school  then  you  will come  out on top!
      "The  future  belongs to those  who  believe in  the  beauty of their
      dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt              Love  you.  Bloke

                                                                     We  ore  so  proud of all  your hard wor  and dedico ion.
                                                                     You con reach all  of your future  goals by continuing
                                                                     to work  as  hard  as  you  hove for the  post  I 3 years. We
                                                                     can't wait  to see  what  the  future  holds for  you.
                                                                     The  possibilities ore  endless!  It  has been a  pleasure
                                                                     watching you  grow into the  beautiful young lady you
                                                                     ore  today. We  love  you  and we  will  always be by your
                                                                     side.  cheering you on.

      The  bond that links  true  family  is  not one of blood but
      of respect and joy in  each other's life.
                                          - Richard  David  Bach
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