Page 239 - 2014 Columbian
P. 239

Sam. it's hard for  me  to pu  m words Just  how proud I om of you. Seemg  you  grow
     and mature over the  years has  shown  me  just  how  strong of o  young  womol" you ore.
     You've  occompl'shed more  than I ever imog1ned  possible  and you've  done 11  wllh ease.
     As  you  start the nex\ chapter of your  life.  I just  wont  you to  eep o  few  things In  mind.
     Never lose  sight of who  you ore. Stand up for  yourself and for  others  who can't. Don't
     be afraid of the  dark, Just  caul ous. When  in  doubt. pray on it  Boys  ore the devil and
     should  never be trusted. And lost  but not least. no rrotter who I,  you II  always hove your
     big brother here  for  you. Wherever you  go, ru  only be 0  short  phone  COl  away.
                                                       Love  you  Iii  sis. Seth

                                                              Somon+ho  (SaM),  Time  f-Jos  passed so swiftly  1 hot  t Ol" y seems  li  e
                                                              yesterday ..uhen  we  dol"ced to "Butter~y K1sses." Wold• ~g you  grow
                                                              and over the  years has been o  bless ~g. We  stand In  owe
                                                              everyday of ol  that you  hove accomplished. You  completed r gh
                                                              school  and obtained your AA  degree from  Florida Gateway
                                                              College  o  the  some  time!  Sam.  the  world  is  o your corrmond. reach
                                                              for  yOl..r  dreams and the  stars will  surely  follow  as  you  journey  along
                                                              life's  pathway. You  hove the  drive. knowledge and ability to accom-
                                                              plish  all endeavors that you  choose. Toste  the "honey" of the  world
                                                              and drink  from  the "fountains" of life. Let  the  sun  be your  ligh  and
                                                              the  stars  your COMpass. Stay steadfast and enjoy the journey. We  u;
                                                              always  be here  for  yol...        love. rY1om  and )ad
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