Page 241 - 2014 Columbian
P. 241
Brae den,
What a joy I 's been wo 'lQ you
grow up over the years. Yo · e
grown into a funny, coring and
unique young man. We ore so
proud of you and all of your
accomplishments. Now, as you're
getting ready to graduate, we
now that great hings await you.
Wherever life to es you and who -
ever path you follow, we now tho
you w.' work hard and succeed
We loo foword to watching you
grow and can't wait to see what life has in store for you.
Congratulations and may God watch over you as you
begin his new chapter 1n your life. We love you and ore so
very proud of you
Love, Mom, Justin, Jordon, Amber & Riley.
Congratulations. I om proud of you for working so hard
throughout your school career. It was a joy to watch
you grow through it all. -Dod