Page 245 - 2014 Columbian
P. 245
The years have flown by and now you begin the next step of your
journey. Your sweetness, zest for life and your beautiful smile
are just a few of the things that make you special. We wish you
much happiness !n whatever life brings your way. We w1ll always
be here to support you, encour~e you and to love you.
May God Bless You Always,
Mom, Dad, Jessie & Alex
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, ~plans
to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future.
It's so hard
for us to believe tour
h"gh school years ore
com·ng to a close. You
hove always brought
us so much joy and we
continue to be amazed
at the man you hove
become. Your kindness.
generosity, eosy-go1ng
nature and your faith
make you spec·al and
we ore so proud of
you. We wish you much
happiness in whatever
you choose to do n
life. May God bless you
We love you.
Mom. Dod. Jess e & Annie
-~ut t~ose w~o ~o~e in He lor~ will renew t~eir dren~H1. lhe~ will soar on win~s li~e ea~les: t~e~ will run an~ not ~row wear~.
t~e~ will wal~ an~ not ~e fainL. lsaia~ 1~:]]