Page 318 - 2014 Columbian
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2014 Winter Olympics
The 2014 W1nter Olympics, or the XXII (22nd) Olympic Winter
Games, were held m Sochi, Russia. They were the first Olymp1cs 1n
Russia since the breakup of the Sov1et Umon 1n 1991 and quickly
became the most expensive Olympics s1nce Beijing, at $51 billion.
More than 2,800 athletes across 88 countnes participated for a
record 98 sets of medals.
Opening Ceremony
On Fnday, February 7, 2014, the opening ceremony took place at
Fisht Olympic Stadium, k1ckmg off the 16-day event. Both three-
time Olympic Russ1an figure skater, Irina Rodnina, and four-t1me
Olympic Russ1an 1ce hockey goaltender, Vladislav Tretiak, had the
honor of lighting the Olympic torch. Opening ceremon1es were
marked w1th an embarrassing technical glitch when one of the five
Olympic rings failed to open correctly.
Top Medal Counts by Country
U.S. Gold Medal Winners Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
- -
1 Russian Federation 13 11 9 33
Alpine Ski1ng--Men's Giant Slalom: Ted ligety I
4 Un1ted States 9 7 12 28
Alpine Skiing-Women's Slalom Mikaela Shiffrin
2 Norway 11 5 10 26
Figure Skat1ng--lce Dance Meryl Davis, Charlie White
3 Canada 10 10 5 25
Freestyle Skung-Men's Slopestyle: Joss Christensen +
5 Netherlands 8 7 9 24
Freestyle Skung-Men's Halfp~pe· David Wise
6 Germany 8 6 5 19
Freestyle's Halfp1pe Maddie Bowman -~
9 Austria 4 8 5 17
Snowboarding-Men's Slopestyle: Sage Kotsenburg -
10 France 4 4 7 15
Snowboarding-Women's Slopestyle Jamie Anderson
14 Sweden 2 7 I 6 15
Snowboarding-Women's Halfpipe: Kaitlyn Farrington
7 Switzerland 6 3 I 2 11
Mancuso Wins Bronze Ted Ligety Joins Bode Miller Sets Record Shiffrin, Youngest ·~
Julia Mancuso took home the Rare Group At the age of 36, Bode Miller Champion
bronze medal in women's With a lead of 0.48 seconds, Ted became the oldest alp1ne skier to At age 18, Mikaela Sh1ffnn
super-combmed, thus earning her L1gety cla1med h1s second Olympic win an Olympic medal, securing became the youngest Olympic
fourth career Olympic medal and gold medal, becom1ng the first a bronze medal in the super-G. slalom champion and the first
becoming the most decorated male American sk1 racer to wm Miller's teammate, Andrew Amencan to win the event m 42
U.S. female Alpine skier in two Olympic Alpine gold medals. Weibrecht secured the silver years. Shiffnn won the gold with
Olympic history. medalm the same event. a time of 1 :44:54.
2013 2014 WINTER OLYMPICS 2013 2014 WINTER OLYMPICS 2013 2014