Page 324 - 2014 Columbian
P. 324

The theme of this yearbook was sought after through many weeks of
    try1ng to find the perfect word to descnbe what this year was go1ng to
    be all about VIe put our heads together and decided that Connec tions
    would be a perfect fit Matching hand 1n hand the slogan for this school
    year, "Individually we may be different but together we are Columbia."                               Design~
    Once we decided on that perfect word, we had to translate 1t 1nto a
    des1gn that would carry through the entire book, representing the                                 Student life:
    differences and S1m11ant1es of everyone here at CHS. VIe tned out a                             A~t       vWL rL
    few different ideas and p1cked retro typography. It stood out among
    the rest. as a beautiful, eloq-~ent and s1mple des1gn. and someth1ng we                               Business:
    can all er]oy.                                                                                  DAN  LLLt   l  AN
                                                                                           HEAT~ER  CRAWFOR        ~

                                                                                                    BROOK~ TA  'UK
    AJDRt Y A GSTAG ...  AMBE~ Bl AK[l Y  :A_t.B  CARSWELL  ~EA ... HER  C~Aw;-ORC
    S .. E VE N CRA  ~ORC  H~LEY  CUNNINGHAM  ... JA  JIAl  U  DUE  DOLGo-!TV  ... EIS~A  OJKt.S   Homecoming Girls :
    ANDRt:W  FOqTIE R  MIRANDA  HANC  TAY _JR  HOL. 1;-l[l 0  V :TORIA  JA:KSO"J                    I  l y I  N  A
     TIMO .. HY  PERCE  AN  A ~ICHARDSON  Lt.SLIE  ANN  RO\jSQNE.,.  WYATT  SCrlRit.BE.R   -          EMMA  Jil, f\t  "\
    ASHlP  SHOUP  BROOKE  TAYLOR  KA.tB  .. HO~AS  t.MMA  ... L:t<ER  HA~EY ~~ ...... ~
    ANDREW  w l L lAMS  WILLOw  RJSSEL-  MART  NEl                   \1     '(OU~, ~;J                       Clubs:
                                                                           (\\'~ i\\\S       MAL LORY  w At  L  ~
                                                                                                   K E L s E y  D H j  u t N
                               •             •                            J   -  __ ,-'.-.

           This year's yearbook would not have been possible w1thout a few                                  Sports:
    important behind-the-scenes people. 'v/e would like to g~ve a shout out to            KAT~iERINt  HILL) A,    ~
    those that helped us along the way.                     Thank you so much for                  ~ .. EVEN  R r Nut~
    everything that you all do. This production would not be possible w1thout
    your continuous support                                thank you for your                       Social Media:
    support we love you! St 1ffers: This year has been one full of hard work and                      vC  F  NAY LU
    q_Jite a bit of dedication. Thank you all so much for st1ck.Jng it out and stepping
    up to the plate to get everything done and (mostly) on time. #(MYBK                                  Portraits:
                  'v/e would like to thanks to McMahon's Journalism 1 students                      I  ANA  vuu
    and others for tak.Jng and/ or part1cpat1ng 1n photos for the yearbook. 'v/e
    literally couldn't have done 1t w1thout you!                                                      Senior Life:
           Last but certa1nly not the least we'd like to thank our wonderful                         KA ( Ll  KV,u  Au
    wonder woman and adv1sor. Tabatha  McMahon.                      This year has
    had 1ts battles to say the least regardless of any obstacle we faced, you                     Photography
    pushed us through. 'v/e're thankful to have you to guide us. It has been an               BRE ANNA  PHil  .r  ~
    Incredible and unforgettable Journey w1th you. 'v/e apprec1ate you, and                          JESSICA  AI'W
    everything you do for us. VIe love you so very rn.Jchl


    20  LENOVO  LAPTOPS .. 9  HANNS- G DESK-                              BfLGRAD-60
    TOP  COMPL TERS*2  D:JlOC  ~AME RAS~l          Tabatha
    AF  - S ~ ~KOR  55  - 300MM  _ ENS*2 M  S                                      OSTRICH  SANS INUNE -Afi
    N  ~KOR 18- JJM   l tNS  1  040  CAMERA*l    McMahon                  HYPE-30           Lovior Dreams-T~
    LAS .. OliTE  SPEEDLIGHT  S:3  600                                          NnE(LUB-30           match~oo~-1~
   319   320   321   322   323   324   325   326   327   328