Page 11 - 2015 Columbian
P. 11

The boys in  Mr.  Faris's class had a project to do and together they succeeded. They built               rtress?
   an American Flag out of horse shoes. With hard work and dedication they made an

                                                                                       blue (1t  IS  bemg sold by a r  ad  store in
                                                                                         tne Un1ted  K1ngdom), but the 1mage
                                                                                          of t'le dress has started a debate
                                                                                           that has taken over soc1al  med1a
                                                                                            like never before. W   lor do

    First Row: Ray Chandler, Maney Stalvey  Second Ro
    Chnstian Holton, and Justm Roberson.
                                                                              years  . hat  s a  the t 11e you have   h gh schoo
                                                                              Everyone wa"t~ to look back on  he r h gh schoo
                                                                              caree.- and  ~ay t was the t1me of th er I ves. Th nk
             #Social                                                          about  t, when yolJr par  "ts te  you about the ~

                                                                        adventures of h1gh school, t  ey do so w1tl'>  pnde a  d they
                                                                        don't understand why you freaK o ... t and try to d sown theM
                                                                        because of the way they dressed or acted bac  m tbose
                                                                        anc1ent t1mes.  But for them, that was expected  n order to
                                                                        rave the "cool facto .. • Trends are d fferent tooay than they
                                                                        were 30 years ago, bL.t we all dress and act a certain way to
     comment, afld retweet.                                             fit m JU~t like our parents d1d,  no matter how 1"'1UC'1  we don't
    * Check you I" autocorrect.                                         want to be  ve 1t.  We dye our "~31r, c.ut hoes m our pants,
    * Catch others slippin~                                             and Jack up our trucks- a  because we believe 1t  IS cool at
                                                                        the mol""lent. What we all  need to reahze  IS  t~'>at the popular
    * Be  posit1ve.
                                                                        trends now won't be popular a year from  now  So be you.
    * Make funny capti   and                                            And who c.ares ,f the people around you don t agree w1th
     drawings.                                                          your style? A world where everyo,..e IS the sane wo;,~ d be
                                                                        extremely bonng. If we keep be "g ourselves, we can know
                                                                        for sure that we are "cool I  e that."

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