Page 52 - 2015 Columbian
P. 52
''Go heavy or go home.
Be1ng on the Columb1a We1ght f
team helped to make 'Tle stronger no
only phys1cally, but mentally." says Jllruor
Maya Foster. Maya has been or the tea
s1nce her sophomore year and says tha
she loved makmg fnends w1th peop1e
she met from other we1ghtliftmg tearT's
as well as mak1ng fnends w1th everyore
on the team. She won first place at
a meet and made 1t to sect1onals at
Panama City Beach "My coaches were
my fnends and we had fun wh1le tra1n1r
They really helped to push me th1s year
When I started on the team, I benched
45 pounds and when I left, I could ben
115. I can't wa1t to be on the team aga n
for my senior year."
lifting some serious iron. All unattributed photos by Hannah Hetrick