Page 140 - 2017 Columbian
P. 140
Some stucJen s re tok ng great stndes toward preponng
for fe after h gh school for many JndiVICiuo s. JOintng clubs
he ps wtth the process of moktng dec tstons for thetr future ~~JUSTICE~
As p rt of Cr m no Just ce and He tth Occur:x;t on
Students of Amer, co (HOSA) you earn about the exc ftng -
careers offere n the ow enforcement and me co ~e d ~
Young Repub cons learn bout po ~t,cs and 0 vers necJ
Career Techno ogy (OCT) stucJents t ke t me off of school ~
o put tme 1nto a JOb These clu sore 0
towards the1r future
First Row: VICtoria PowelL Marissa Thomas. Alissa Anderson. Taro
Thomas. Joide Strickland Mellzo Acosta Second Row:
Julie Boozer. Anitro Baroto. Adione Suarez Ashton Lizotte. Mkayto
Collins. Mokenzie Kemp. Third Row: Hayley Touchton Schyler
Jerome, Chounci MIXSOfl. Ethan Sowyer. Brooke Stephens Korf
Wolters. Fourth Row: Mallory Goble. Megan Burlingame. Caleb
Roy, Laurel Daniel Aoliyoh Hogue. Christen Odum.