Page 144 - 2017 Columbian
P. 144
M tochon ~ s tne ocwer house of the ce1 - prov. 1ng
he energy needed to make th n s h ppen These c ubs
re the power house of CHS - wrth stu ents creaftng tne
E. 'nergy nee ed to better thernse ves nd those around U)
hern through educat on a serv. ce Aca em cs c n
ometmes oe abe ed borng or un nterest1ng but w!fh 0
the he p of these stuoents and the r bran power those <(
abe s rr1ay be a th ng of the p st :I:
First Row: Ms Hemdon (sponsor)_ Matthew Hunter. Joshua
Lewis. Daniel Bums. Sarah Lewis. Emily Hamngton. Savannah
Amporo. Mary Feraudo. Uanne Zambrana
Second Row: Chnstian Collins. Andrew Godbald. Drew Minson.
Buie Summer/1n. Wittleigh Summerlin. Avery Wallace. Made/me
Shaver. Kaley Sharp. Third Row: Christopher Caldwell, Ryonn
Coll1ns. Jordon Fraze. Megan Zahnle. Sarah Dicks. Greer
Hannigan. Hannah Knight. Fourth Row: Alexandra Robinson
Sara Pace. Leighann Benefield. Logan Uoyd. Christian Ky
Ch1ong. Jomilyn Jeffries, Faith Johnson. Callahan Register.
Ashton Uzotte. Alissa Anderson Fifth Row: Winston Kam. Ho ey
Jones. Trey Raulerson.