Page 153 - 2017 Columbian
P. 153
First Row: Ms Merker (sponsor). Sara Murawski. Taylor
Satterfield. Tyler Utley. Zackery Mitchell. Nazario Wosh1ngton.
second Row: Koilo Shelley. Nichole King, Chnstopher Jordon.
Gabrielle Hynes. Isaac Mann. Hannah Longe.
Third Row: Joshua Garbett. Gilberta Bolanos. Tyson Ellis,
N..::holos 5mith. Gov1n Cooper, Carlton Clondy. Tyler Holloway.
"The longest it took
me to beat a game
First Row: Christopher Coldwell. Doisho Goye. Jimmy Suttles. 0
Jared Mirando. Oro Door, Anthony Clark. Mr Bomes(sponsor). was three days, when
Second Row: Bobby Helms. Brendan McMahon. Roekwoon I played Call of Duty:
Sowe Jerry Jones. Ryonn Coffins. Aust1n PuNis Ghosts"
Third Row· Tonner McDon1eL Droyo Harrison. Dom1n1ck Tnmble.
Brody Matthews. Jared Kloos, Hunter Silcox. Katie Knudsen. orner (YJ -o
"I was literally playing
)> World of Warcraft in
my last class. "
Sports Most Popular Genres
of Video Games
First Row: Hafleigh Lake, Holly-May Lawton. Carlo Nater,
annah Christie Ms Thomas (sponsor) Second Row: Komaya
nnett. Azende Bryant. Kathryn Horrin(ilton. Hanna Stephens,
Kyte Jackson. Th"d Row: Makenzie Reg1ster. Miracle Berry,
Vincent Gray, Joneicio Berry Third Row: Esmeralda Cervantes.
ouvons Combs. Mia Cooper Tomero Pope. David Bottle.