Page 148 - 2017 Columbian
P. 148
Compet n s , o 1r nature The Ac em c Team
am to Jfsmart tne r opoonents Drorno c uo wonts
to perform vVtfh sk11 that bows the u 1ences rr11nd ~MASTERS
f fA aves to show the r pr de and the r an1mo s by <(
enterng n the locallvestock snows Our GFT SMAf<T ca
Robot cs T earn creates gen1us eve! technology to
compete at elite competlf,ons They wont to be at the
top of the1r g me Whether rt 1s oct1ng fl::>h1ng or
ocodem cs compettf1on fuels those that wsh to be
#1 These org n zo 1ons are no except1on. nd the
goo of these cubs 1s to nse
First Row: Darren Eubank. Claudio Feagle. Seth Slonker.
Lone Albritton Dolton Blakley, JeSSie Altman Dylan Haynes.
Second Row: Cason Gnffin. Turner Crews. Hunter Shoup.
Amber Bell. Chnstion Thompson Colton Parrish. Ivy Mcintyre
Third Row: Gage Register, Jim Melton. Joshua Lewis.
Jackson Swisher. fan Anderson. Hoyden Johnson. Kyle Hardy
First Row: Dakota Stttsinger, Nicholas Smith. Ms. Ingram-Free
(sponsor). Jumee Luke. Dezmund Cothron.
Second Row: HoJieigh Lake. Undsoy McDanieL Marissa Jol ffe
Tabitha Gray. Kylte Casazza. Alexis Williams. Breonno Me/tort
Kay/a Howard. Gaven Oliver. Koytin Guy, Molyn Keen.
Third Row: Hannah Hornberger. M1oh Edelstein,
Jordyn Thoreson. Garrett Stephens. Miguel Muniz. Koilo Parra
Kothryne Thomson. Roy/en Forries. Savannah Koka.
Tyler Nehring. Jillion Kloos. Emily McAuliffe.
Fourth Row: Desoroe Gil/yard. Billy Word. Lance Ingram.
Holly-May Lawton. Josiah Carr, Amber Snow, Shay/in Outlaw
Ashlee Nealon. Morynno Reg1ster. Michael Cutler,
Joefynn Hart Fifth Row: Hannah Longe. Ty'niyo Griffin, Tabalt
Couchon. Valerie Fockele. Jodorreon Bowles. Doisho Goye
Oro Door. Taylor Stalvey, Isabelle Archer. Autumn Williamson.
Sixth Row: Vincent Gray. Tyler Freemon. Justice McDonald
Joshua Johnson. Heidi Laplant. Aaron Pennington. Kioro F
Malcolm Tillmon. Justin Rogers. Dylan Albertson.
Seventh Row: Joyce Sheddon. Victoria Johnson. Lena DeloaiC
David Becker. Jodorrious Bowles, Tyler Utley. Faith White.
Key/a Lopez. Avery Wallace. Ho/eigh Cribbs. Bryon Howell