Page 164 - 2017 Columbian
P. 164

                                          Hats are not ---           dress code
                                          worn during
                                          the class

                                                                                      Sundresses and  ---
                                                                                      tank tops, at least three
                                                                                      fingers of width.
                                           Pants are ---                               No exposed  ---
                                           worn at the                                 midriff or revealing
                                           waist.                                      clothing.
                                         Boxer shorts ---
                                         are not to
                                         be worn as                                    No wearing of
                                         an outer                                      overly tight
                                                                                       clothing (Yoga
                                           Noholes ---                                 pants, leggings,
                                           above the                                   or jeggings.)

                                 What was your expectation of high school   versus how high school really is?

                                "When I realized it was time for                  "Once it was time to start
                                 high school/ thought it was a                    high school/ was not
                                   game. I never really payed                     neNous: I was excited to
                             attention to it.  I thought it was just              meet new people. High
                               one more step closer to getting                    school is life changing. I
                            done with school. I always thought                    loved my classes and had
                              it would be easy and not hard. I                    no problems with it,
                             would hear people saying classes                     especially my teachers.
                             are so fun! Also.  that they have so                 /learned to not be
                                  much opportunities for you. "                   afraid to try new
                                                                                  things and you will
                                                                                  be surprised. "


                                                                                                    "They're pretty easy, all
                                                                                                   you really have to do is
                                                                                                  listen and do your work
                                                                                                 and you can pass.  The
                                                                                                classes are genuinely not
                                                                                                that fun but sometimes they
                                                                                                can surprise you! "
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