Page 165 - 2017 Columbian
P. 165

What will you do after graduation?

                                                       69% of high
                                                             school                          51% of
                                                         graduates                           graduates
                                                                                             who don't
                                                                                             go to
           Dual Enrollment               AP                                                  college

                                          How do you study?
         enrollment is just
        like a regular                                    "Forme
       class, just a tad                                  personally,
      more difficult.                                     I commit to
     The tests and                                        memory for first
    quizzes are more                                       time learning, I
   advanced and                                              will study though
   you have to                                                  if needed, on a
   study                                                          subject in which I
                                                                     am weaker."
  Walker Lord (11)                                                  Marcus Christie (11)

   What is your experience like as a ...
                                 Freshman                        ·or          "It's pretty fun and it's not
                                                           Senl               really hard at all. When
                                                                              you are a senior you get
      "Being a freshmen can be                                                special treatment. You get
      very rigorous at times and                      s                       to go on super fun field
    sometimes it makes me feel                                                trips and at the beginning
          like giving up. But, the                                            of the year there is  this
       experience is really fun.  I                                           awesome breakfast for
      can honestly say this year                                              only the seniors.  Most of
      has been really good and                                                the seniors this year are
   I'm looking forward to what's                                              going to graduate which is
         coming up next year. "                                               really great. I'm so excited
                                                             •    .-.         and can't wait to go start
                                Douglas stoats (9)
                                                           Lenny Lantroop (12)  my life."

                                       Elective Classes

  Che'der/ca Fluellen (10)     Malik Williams (10)
                                                       In the words of Malik,
                                                       "These Classes 2 EZ·
                                                       they are really fun and
                                                       interesting and the
                                                       work is not that hard, I
                                                       enjoy them a lot. "
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