Page 10 - 2018 Columbian
P. 10

"I slept tn unttl  1 tn the
                            afternoon, because my
                            ·party' ( Netfltx untt  6
                             1n the morntng) life ts
                             on pont. •

                                                        Hannah Lee ( 1 0) found
                                                       London to be  really cool"
             woke up e<  rly un lht:
            weekdays bi...Guse I had                   and "very different from the
            band camp. bu  on the                              Un1ted States."
            wee  ends I s ep  1n
            unttl10am·                                 Eilaf Abdalla ( 11) got to
                                                         v1sit her family in   n
                                                         after be~ng away for  ten
                                                          years, and says "1t was
                                                     Rayna Hrichena (11) went
                                                       to Paris th1s  summer and
                                                        enjoyed experiencing the
                                                           different cultures. Her
                                                      favorite part was go1ng to the
                                                          top of the Eiffel Tower.

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