Page 13 - 2018 Columbian
P. 13
An inside look at CHS clubs and
of Art Club
members prefer
sketches over
colored drawings.
1 out of 3
Game Club members prefer
card games over board games.
of Anime Club members
prefer SUB over DUB.
Cups of coffee
brought 1n by the
yearbook staff
and journalism
Br na Ja D xon ( • 0) a erded a summer bas e ba
students weekly. carrp named S T f-1 (Srra Town Hoops) run by
Camp in' Coach Perry At c.amp t ey earned t>ow o rrprove
Students the1r basketba I sk1ls The r days cors sted of break ng
comprise one of the up nto stt' ons to lear11 how to handle tt>e ba row to
largest clubs in the get better at JUmp shots ay ups foot work aro much
school: Drama! The through more 'My favor te was the lay t.p Ire· says D xon 'I
theater program puts liked gong because see mproveMent n my g.. e •
on multtple shows, Brinaija Dixon (1 0) Samet g extra she ellJOyed was staymg n a hate n
sends students to Pa at~ w1 e ds 1nc ud rg tre person that nsp red her to pay basKe'ba I
Competitions, and rer best fnend Joroan Sheppard
hosts an International
Thespian induction
ceremony every year! Overt e sl.rrrrer Ou anna D ard (' 0) ~to the
SAT Camp a CHS I erested students ear11e·d
stra eg es to t, p them rrprove t!l r SAT score They
also created a •est.rre for work and co eges and
watched he r"OVle H dd F- gt.res • a fi rr used to
nsp re students to work 'lard for what they want I
went because want ar academ c scho arsh p and to
Thomas Loroy (9)
Keep my GPA above a 3 5 Last sum;n r was '1 rfirst
My o to fresh outf1t year go rg and she pans on go ng back •us l.pcom rg
over the summer was Quianna Dillard (10)
a RIP DIP white sh1rt 'ler SAT score eve more' At tt>e end of re carrp
and Amencan Eagle ;J lard got an awaro tor r"Ost mproved
bl ched npped
sktnny f1t 1eans •
Ky11e Bonds ( 1 0) wert o a churc.h carrp
Emily Dawson ( 1 0) ca led B g Stuff Carrp wrth .,_, crl.rch Tt>e
"Th most cute and Orchard Tile camp was n Panama C y or t>e
comfortable th1ng to beach 'On the ••de t ·e a k d fe as eep afld
wear 1n the summer of
was dcmm shorts w1th the pastor woKe h m up h an a r fJorn says
an off the sroulder Bonds Tt,ls was t>er first t r11e go ng to t'le
br gt•t colored shift c.hurch carrp wh ch she was ercourag d to
a end by a g11l she Me at ciJarciJ One th ng
Kylie Bonds (1 0) that she remembers was SW11'11'1 ng o to a
Brendtn Niedenneytr ( 11)
e camp there were wor;h p sefVIces a b d g
"Over the
wore Hoi , r "' '( b~.: t'le ones sh ought were •ea y coo were on he bea h
J ans and sw1mm1ng
shorts When I wore a
sh1rt It was a Hollister
ong sleeve because 1t
IS solt and v1brant •