Page 63 - 2018 Columbian
P. 63
1. A frghts to win the ball one-on-one agamst a Hamilton
Hrgh School Player. 2. o ano 11 works her way down the field
agarnst Keystone High School. 3. (SK) L w (12) looks up to pass to a
teammate during a counterattack. 4. x (10) battles to wm a 50/50 ball.
prepares to send a through ball. 6. n 1)
sprints down the field with the ball in an attack. 7. ro sends a
one touch shot towards the net. 8. dribbles past a Santa Fe
defenders. 10. uses footwork to get past a defender.
Ashley Carr lo (9) and
El z b th (Uza)
Napol tano (9) both
share how excitmg an
expenence 1t was to be
able to play vars,ty soccer
w1th the1r s1sters, Irene
Carr! to (11) and
Vrctorla Napo ano
(11) Ashley expresses
how r1uch th1s mot1vated
her and how much
stronger the bond between
her and her srster became
throughout the season
L1za apprec1ated how her
srster was always there to
p1ck her up and motiVate
her to keep f1ght,ng