Page 65 - 2018 Columbian
P. 65

1.  Tr  nt  Morn  on  (12)  gett1ng  ready  to  pass  the
                                                                              ball  to  Dani  I  Burns  (1   2.   (11)
                                                                              fighting  to  keep  possession  of the  ball  3.   I  b
                                                                              How  II  (11)  approaching  a  pass  4.   artm
                                                                              (11)  running  up  to  kick  the  ball.  5.   n  I  Burns
                                                                              (11)  taking  control  of  the  ball.  6.   Co
                                                                              head  butting  the  ball  to  keep  possession.  7.
                                                                                  on Land  (10)  rushing to keep a ball inbounds.
                                                                                  r  on  Hall  (11)  taking  a  penalty  kick.  9.   lly
                                                                                       maneuvering  the  ball  around  an
                                                                              opponent. 10.   hua Lew1s (12) taking a free k1ck.

                                                                                         'Most  r1portantly I
                                                W~at s some h1ng you war>  to ad•1eve by   JUst want to w n and
                                                       play1ng soccer'?                    1'1ake the schoo
                                                                                           and community
                                             'Piay1ng soccer has
                                             taught me a lot about
                                             leadersh p and bemg
                                             a part of a team.
                                             wh1ch w1ll help me to
                                             ach1eve many great
                                             th ngs 1n 1'1any areas
                                             Ia er m life'
                                                                                     William Burn  (11)

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