Page 80 - 2018 Columbian
P. 80
Scan pictures using
aurasma to hear
these amazing
-1 singers do their
S.L. Mccall (1 2)
Jamille Bullock (12)
Scott Carman has played football for 12 years. In
those 12 years Sco a /Guard for
Colurrb a Hg He had offers
from Jacksor1'J1A!;MI'f!f!:l!y.:J/f~
S 'he, 'ieH~~~t"'"ll"'!!"'i!l
Black Velve 2. Th
Band IS pla)'lng a wr en p<ece at
the Olustee Fest !Val. They are
pref,rm<ng under the watch of the<r
condu< tor and teacher,
Peyton Macdonald (12)
3. ne Lake Crty Columb<a County
Histoncal Museum had many
T eon Dollard has pia Eid bal. smce he was _ x
years old. Teon played for Columb•a s volunteers from CHS and the
Offense. He had offer er lnterna!lonal, communrty preform<ng live
FAMU and Alabartia,•~"'i..,(E!;~n comm<tted to reenactments of events from Olustee
A abama A&M and plan ol and maJOr m h1story. Pictured,
usmess related. s walk<ng around downtown at
the fest<val<n costume trymg to
promote the museum.
4. IS work1ng the
booth as Cadee Cooper buys a fam<ly
made brown<e from FFA.
Shane! Cooper ( 1 0)