Page 120 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 120

Sn:'>F  :;.  Prof.  \\'amholt  seated at desk.  Second hell  rings   F.nter one Prep.,  :'lliss  Burke.
                            i'Kor  \\'1\IB<H.T.  :\!iss  Burke,  it seems that you arc going to he the only one in  class to·d:~y .
                            :'l!r!'S  Bt RKE.   Perhaps the others are a  little late.
                            i'KOI·  \\' 1\IHOI,'I'  (after  \\".tiling- three  minutes)   I  wonder where all the  Juniors  arc  to day?  \\'hat  is
                       the mattt:r'  :\ot a  Junior lu:re.
                            :\lt!'S  Bt'RKR.  I  don't know, sir.  It seems that they are not coming-.
                            1'1{01  \\'.1\IBOl.T.  I 'll step out a  few  minutes am!  try and see what is the matter.
                                      Su''" 4·  fn college hall and entrance to young- ladies' sitting- room.
                            P1<01   \\' 1mror:r   :\!iss :'llc:Clintock,  where  in  the world are the  Juniors  to day?  \\'hy  are  they  not  at
                            ~lrss  ~lcCI.r:"TOCK   I  am sure I don't know.  Prof  \\'amholt   I  supposed they were all  in class.
                            I'KOJ'  \\' 1\IBO!,'I'   :\o, there's not one oftlrem there.  I  can 't  mrderstand it all.
                            :\! I!'S  ~lcCI.r '>TOCK   I  11 ill call the Ollicer of the Day and see if he can find  them.
                            (Enter Officer of the llay .)
                            I'Ror.  \\'.I~IROI.T.-Please search campus and barracks for Juniors.
                            Exit Officer of the  Day. )
                            l'rwr.  \\' nrnor.T.  \\'ell,  ~!iss ~lcClintock, there is not a  one in  sight.
                            ( Re entl·r Officer of the Ilay. )
                            OrHCER  or'  Tllr·:  D.IY.-Sir, there is not a Junior on the campus or in  th~: h.arracks.
                            :'l!rss  McCr.r'>TOCK.-\\'ell,  I  ne1·er saw  a  crowd get so completely out of the way before.  Ha,  !Ia,  Pro
                       fessor!  I  see through it now.
                            PROF.  \\'A~lBOl.T.- Pray, tell  lllt:  how.
                            Miss  McCr.r:-.oToCK.  Weren 't  the  Business  Studenb  ami  Preps.  to  ha1·e  met  at  this  fifth  hour,  too?
                       That'sjunior C/a.u .'ipinl.  Cood for them .
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