Page 123 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 123

Tllh  EFFECTS  OJ·  GtiT\R  PI,.\\ I'<·'"  Till ,  Sm \R  l'uxt·s.- By  S  T  Fleming.  Among  tht'  mam·
                          no,·el  features of this  scientific  work  is  the  arrangement hy  the author of all  the  lato.:st  disconls,
                          which arc well worth the price of the book not to h~:ar   Only a  limited numhcr of these hooks can
                          be had.  Price,  postage paid,  .                                         01

                      CHI·"ISTRY, ,\X'Il  TIII·:  BEST  ~!J;TIIOil 01  STlll\T<G  IT   By::\  I'  Jyes.  For  reference  apply  to  Prof.
                          ~Iiller.  Price,                                                        18 00

                      So '\ES  1:'\  F \Cl' I.T\  ~II : ETIX<; .-By a  Faculty :\!ember   Contains  YiYid  dt:scriptions of the  sCt:IH~s dur-
                          ing the "Thompson  Discussion, •·  and many other  interesting  anecdotes   !'rice, "L'<'urt:ly hound,  .   2  ()( l

                      Exi'ERIE:<CES  l:"SIDE  TH~:  10  Dnii· RIT  LDIIT.- By  the  "B1g  Six  "  Illustrated  with  photos.   (~iYes
                          the personal experiences of the authors.  ::\ ot on sale at present.
                      Au.  THE  L.\TEST  ~lt'SIC.-By Thompson and Carrel.  Price,  per yard,       , 10

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