Page 167 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 167

Th<  ~tandard Parlio>m<nlary  ,-luthority
                                                                  ARMOUR  &  COMPANY
                     ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER
                                For  Dtlibtratirt  Asstmblit>
                         A  Complete  Gu1de  for  Colle~<  l1terarv  So..~ehes.   Chicago  Dressed  B~ef
                               Fratermtles  and  Students'  Clubs
                     E\.·en  one  who  examines  Rol•ert's  at  oru.·e  {l(lp!s  tl  n'  hi ...
                               exclu~1\·c parltnment.\r)·  gU11Ic
                                                                MUTTON,  HOGS,  CANNED  MEATS
                             SENT  POSTPAID  ON  RECEIPT  OF'  PRICE
                     Extra l'loth, 21S  p:1ge~. pocket site.  .   •  > iS   Lard, Pro' lSlons,  Etc .
                     J.unp 1C'athcr, red edges,  pocket site,   I()(>
                            Scott.  Foresman  &  C  o.
                                                                     Jr0-Jt2-JI4  WEST  BAY  STREET
                     .178 J   WABASH  AVE  UE    CHICAGO.  ILL              JA  Jo..SO~VIll [. FI.A

                                                                            Intercollegiate Bureau

                           Flags            c:.'-2   en                        COTRELL  & LEO   RD
                                            <:I      c:i                     l]l 1 6  Broadway, Albanv,  ew  York
                                                  =  :E
                                            ~  ..3   ..;
                           Banners          ,:::0   -;:;:   ""'                MAKERS Of THE.
                                            <:=>   -"   .:::  _,
                           Badges           -     =   ""'              Cap  and  Gown  to  the
                                                                American Colleges and Univer 1t1e
                                                                     lllu  trat<d  Bull<ho.  Sample  etc, upon  Apphut10n
                                                                            Ciao.;~;   ontrach  a  fttC111t)'
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