Page 172 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 172

                            . .  .THREE  GREAT  NEWSPAPERS .                                  • •

                                              Daily,  Sunday and  Semi-Weekly

                                 THE  F LORIDA                  to  pre.,.!-.,  nnd  it"'  l'Ottllllcnts  upon  current  events  are  pointed
                                                                atul  iustructl\·c.  !"ipccial  allcntiou is ~ive:u to matters  pertain-
                       Titnes=Union  and  Citizen               ing t•, the far111  aud household.  Ill all, the qualities of a  news-
                                                                1' r;,C"r  for  the  f;vuih  «.·in·Je  ami  the  bu .... incss  man  it  is unsur~
                        The 1,,  i  t  Time  t  1111111   .?tl  \('.t  and th  1·1-nida l  iti •tn
                      llh 'caz} were eon..;olid:ttl·d  ~C'plcmhcr y,  1";Yi·  This  l'oll,oil-
                     d tl<'tl  p  per 1S  rctd  from  :\t~vcmh r  to June  II\  people  from
                     more  st.ttcs  than  lll\  other  paper i11  the  l  uitc l  ~tales 1111  the   AGRICULTURAL
                     d ,,. o f  pnhlie.1.tion, lht:tCh\"  hc11g- UIIC pt.dlcd  ,~:-,  l11  uhc·rtising
                     mcdlttllt  1 1  tlu:  '-',uth, beside ...  ri~t·td •tiug  'II  C\C"I,  •wok ·nul   Th' I•  orida l•armer .nul Fruit  <;rower  belli~ purchased hy
                     l' IIIICT  Ill  }•Jw  d I .                the  !lorida  PuJ,li.,..lung- Company,  has  been  consolidated  \\ith
                                                                thC"  n~ril.·tdtur d  dep11rtmeut  of the  Scnn~\\'cckly Trmcs-t'nion
                                                                and l'  The old uame has heetr  rctallrcfl, and ample space
                                                                Is  pro\ tiled  in  \\ hich  to  present  all  the  clcpartmcnts  of  the
                                 III E  SEMI  W EEKLY           Fanll(•r  uul  Fruit  <~rower, such  as  "Grove  and  Orchnrd, 11
                                                                "The Piucry, ' '  etc.   ~o pains will he sparecl by the publishers
                       Times=Union  and  Citizen                to 111ake the combination as replete with iutercst and as valuahlc
                                                                to the soil-tiller as \\as the old journal, one of the historic land-
                        The  SPiltt-\\'cr-klv  l'imcs  t  uion  awl  l  ittt.C'Il  is  the  hl·~t   lltHlk!-. ol  !•lorida.
                     ~~mi·\\Cckly  paper  puJ,h!ihc•l  in  the  Sot1thern  States  fur  lhC"   \\'rth thr growing iutcrest in Florida everywhere, the Semi~
                     lcm  pru.:c  of                            \\'cckh ts rapid!,  attaining a  uni vcrs£tl drculattOII.
                                $1.oo  PER  YEAR
                        It-- :-\t •lc  ttcws  ts fresh  awl  full  it  <'OIII)Hi.,cs  tc-lcgt  q •lnr
                     tl!spalf..::hc~  from  all  parb ol  the  \\Orlclup to LhC'  lu ... ~:r of  going   Specimen  Copies  Free  to  any  Address

                      Address  THE  FLORIDA  TIMES=UNION  AND  CITIZEN
                                                   JACKSONVILLE,  FLA.
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