Page 173 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 173

A                                                     El~           ().

                                  Rough  and  Dressed  LONG  LEAF  YELLOW  PINE

                      Flooring  by  Cargo  or  Carload         Capacity  of  Mill,  30,000,000  Feet  per  Annum

                                                WATERTOWN,  FLA.

                                       STEAMER  SHIPMENTS  A SPECIALTY

                              Harvard  University               Ingles  y  E par10l  T aguigrafia

                      SuMMER  ScHooL                                 The writing- of Sp tni'h Shorthand nLille
                                                                     lasy to  tit ~ En~\ish stenographer   ~pe·
                                                                     cia\ altlntion  g i,·en  to Hrh  forms, word
                              )Ul Y  5 th  TO  AUGUST  •sth.  19 oo
                                                                     signs  and contractions  Beautiful short
                                                                     hand  i\\n~tr.t tiuns  a till  ,.  p\i,·it  inst1 ttc·
                           F1fty-two courses  10 Arts and  Sc1cncc~.  The work  h
                                                                     tions   Xumeroth   engl.l\·ed  bu ... in<'"'S
                           espwally adapted  to the  needs of  teachers.  Women
                           as  wdl  as  mcD  admtttcd  to all the cour..;.cs  except  In   leller:-,  and  n•.uling  l'Xen·i~t·"'   Pricl' hv
                           Engmcenng  and  1n  Geological  F~eld  Work.  For   matl, po...;tagt..•  paid  '"•d  ~~
                           pamphlet  tontt1n1ng  dc~npt10n of  the  cour"t~  ud
                           statement  of  expenses, apply to •••••••••••••••••
                                                                Williams  &  Roger  ,  PUBllSHFRStnnu-.
                                                                                  _     ROCHESTER.   Y.
                      J. l. lOVE  Clerk. Cambndgc,  Ma"   •   N  S  SHAl FR. Chmman
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