Page 72 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 72

Baseball  tn  the  F.  A.  C.

                           Ba~eball is probably tlu:  mo~t popular of all out-door sports  among  the  .\merican  people  and it  i~ always
                      true that in  a  community  \\here nine boys  can  be  gathered  together  that there is some  kind  of a  baseball  team
                           En•ry true Atnerkan is a  lover of baseball,  fori~ it not  our national  game and cid  it  not  originate  on our
                      soil >  So  it  cannot he  expected  that  att  enkrprising edttcatiottal  institution  of to day can  get  along  without a
                      baseball team .
                           .  \sin years and e,·erything dse though.  the F.  A. C. is  young in  baseball.  It has  always  lx.~n a  difficult
                      m·ttter for our h.>ys  to in luce the  Faculty to allo\\  them to  go away  from  Lake  Cit~· to  play  baseball  because  it
                      w.ts thought that it broke into the regular military routine too  much.  HO\\'e,·er, as far as we ha,·e gone, we ha\·c
                      always held up our side of the ar,:-untcnt pretty \\·e. I.
                           The first tinte the  [.'  ,\. C.  di~tinguished itself in  the baseball  world  was in the fall  of  '97  when under the
                      management  of Lieutenant  E.  ::\'.Calhoun, and with the well  known  jot· ,Jfori/1  as  captain, our  team played a
                      series of games here with the "  Roselatt<b, ·  of Jacksott\'ille, winning from  them three times in succession.  This
                      was during the "Tobacco Fair  '  held  here at that time, and it is said  that the boys  of the JackSOIH'ille team ha,·e
                      refused  to smoke cigarettes  from  that  clay  to this.  lluring the same season, itt  the spring of 'g8, a war broke out
                      \\ith Spain and nutty of our bovs being resolved not to be  behind itt  helping" l'ttcle Sam," enlisted in the army
                      and tints our baseball  ~tn:ngth was ~adly diminished, and a~ a  result, only one more game was played, but itt  that
                      one,  the  East  Florida Seminary  met defeat ott  our grounds.
                           l>urittg the next school year,  in  the fall  of  gX,  very  little was  done in  the  way  of org.lllizing  a  baseball
                      club,  but itt  the spring following,  the old  F.  A . C. came out with one of the strongest teams they ha,·e ever had .
                           \\'hen the team  was first  organized, it seemed that we were short a  pitcher, but after a  little experimenting,
                       Rogero, of St.  A ugnstine , a  man who  had  ne\·er  played  in  the  in-field  before was  put in  the box, and tmly he
                      developed into a  latter day  wonder.
                           The first  game of the season  was played late in  ,\pril  in  Tallahassee.  \\'e  went  to  the Capital  expecting
                      to play the \\'est  Florida Seminary  boys,  but the fact  was we played  Leon  County.  The \\'e~t Florida Seminary
                      bo,·s acknowledged that we \\·ere their  ~uperior~ and so, rather  than come  home without a  game we consented to
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