Page 73 - 1901 Pinakidia
P. 73
play any team tlH:y coul<l make up. ~ome oftht• ~pectators att<:mptt·<l to count th<· 1111mber of men the1 pl.t)T<l that
d:t)' hut nuht of them lo-t count ~omc11·hcre het1n~en eight ·t:n and t11ent~ tin·. Of cnur~c out hoy- hcc.tmt• tin·<!
out. playing a!pin~t fresh llll'n all tht· timt• and tina! II· Tal1ah~,,,.,. won tht• game.
Om• of the most hotly contt.:sll'd gantt·, of the '"'hon "''h between the F \ l' \ and Li1·c, whil'lt
rc..,ulkd in a score of :; to 1 in our E11·or
Jn ... t before commencement our team went to Gaines\ ille to pla1· the East Florida ~cmin:ny tt-am. and her<·.
a~ in Talhh1~set'. It:,.., than half of the mtn belonged to the ~entinan. Their pitcher w.h a pl.ty r from"
and the cateher W<h one known a ... the he ... t <llnatt.:ur in the ~t.tte
In this game liT l<ht to (;aine,Yille in the ninth inning.
This 1·ear our team h~s ht.:t.:n getting into shape Ltkll' .11ul tht• gtner.d public Ina· e. pt.:t't to h< 11 f:ti'<>I,Ibl,·
rt.:porb of on r pr<>IH'" ht·fore the ... i~ m·u·