Page 124 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 124
The FFA miaale school
chapter 13 has 8'1
stuaents. The mqjor
events that we went to
were: The Columbia
County Fair~ National
FFA Convention~ Sunbelt
ana Agriculture Exp.~ Sub
District Contest The
jacksonville fair. The
officers this year were:
Presiaent: Branaon
Vice-Presiaent: Matthew
Secretary: Daniel Croley
Reporter: Derrick Smith
Senti nat: Dusty Parrish
This year has been the
best ever~ but rm sure
Row one: Matt Bal1<l!r. Oamel Croley. Brandon Wheeler, Matthew Huesman, DeriCk Sm11h, Dusty Parnsh, Row two: Ashtyn RIChards, Sam Boden. theres more to come.
Stephame Malone, Balh Hodson. Brandon M•ncey, Nathan Green, Brandi S1mmons. Karlee Ou es Paul Lyons. Emmalee Cason, Jenn1fer W1tt.
Wadlya Slalnaker Thomas Goss, Row lhree Jill Huesman- adv•sor, Bnttany Arlhur, Charm1na Fenkly. Charlotte Maron, Enn Onslell, Keri Kortes•s.
Ashaly Anord Oom1nque F~gueroa, Whitney B1gelow. Healher Little, Racheal Holhngsworlh. MICheal Benkoczy. Jess•e Croley, Kylhe Koon, Larry
McComas, Scott RICe, Vernon Carver, Sara Pandergrast, VeroniCa Bryant. C.J. Bnnson, Ross Chamberlain, Row tour; T1m Creel, Justin Oaroza
Carmen F~gueroa, Kessy Hodge, Amanda Leazenby. Cory Capallia, LUICBS Lance, Healh Huesman, Gary Borchardt. Trav1s Jamson. Tyler Floyd. Jamd
Delair, Samatha Mosely
The slate champoons ol 2000: Matthew Huesman. Brandon Wheeler, Belh Hodson, Vernon
Carver, O.J. Croley. Matt Bauer, Ously Parnsh, Megan M~atz
Malt Barker sleeps as Mrs. Huesman giVes lhe camera man a d•rty look.