Page 128 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 128
The Hands of HOSA
Even though this is the first
year Fort White has ever had a
HOSA Chapter~ they know how to
start off on the right foot. The
HOSA group attended the
Regional Meeting on October
11th to elect state officers and
also had the opportunity to
explore the Allied Health
Department at Lake City
Community College on
November 15th. The Fort White
HOSA participated in the
Regional second competition on
January 10~ 1001 as well as
State Competition on March
31st- April 2nd 1001. This year
was a great learning experience.
Club members K1m Scott. K1rsllan Pamsh. Tracy Gartner. Elizabeth Alv100. Wh1ttony Brooker. Amanda Faulkner, N1ke1sha Jackson.
Bnttany Peeler. Manna Metts. Jenn1fer Allender. Samantha Townsend, Amanda Stalnaker, Kathenne Kamback, Matt Crawford. MIChaol
Carson, Stacy Huff, Sharon Gnff1n, and Dnanna Dav1s
Jenn1fer Allender lays on the hosp1tal bed wn11e Amanda Oops, Manna don't break the scale. we st11i have to use n The sponsor of HOSA. Mrs Sherr! Keen.
Stalnaker takes her blood pressure. throughout the years
Sharon G 1n, Tlf!any Collins, Yesema Mart1nez. Bnttany
Peeler, Kathenne Kamback, & Jenmfer Allender have JUSt
amved back on campus after a day lives