Page 134 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 134
This is the Art ana OJ
Club~s first year~ so many
of us never knew that this
club ever existed. The art
ana OJ club is about
promoting the arts~
providing music ana
aavertisment for school
ana community events.
This helps students
understand how their
talent can enhance the
school ana community.
For those of you who are
interested in joining the
club next year~ the
requriments are easy: you
must pay aues~ show
respect ana be involved
in the activities. No great
artistic abilities requriea.
just simple interest.
Row 1: Con Gner, Heather Haslam. Row 2· Stephanie WMslar K1m Scott, Travis Renegar, Yosenia Mart1nez. Sam Solo Sara Jackson. Emmalee
Cason. Row 4 C1ndy Gaynn, Alia Waston, Mdllssa Waldron, Savannah Edgar, Jessl8 Jones, Josh Anderson, Donna Corb1tt, Knssy Burks. Matt
Crousey. Row 5: Chns DaRoza. Dav1d Kramer, Alex Hancock. Sleven Holden, AI W1lson. Jonevere Lampk1n, Johany Gnff1n
M1hssa Goodman, Dam1en Mryers, and Matthew
Crowsey try to come up w1th a flyer lor the Art
Josh Hante and Pam Harrel debate w1th the OJ Jeffery Tomlinson and Josh Hartsell lead the club as President and Vice- Ft. Whlle·s Art teacher Mrs. C1ndy H"es sponsors the Art
dub on what musiC to play for the dance team. President and OJ club