Page 135 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 135

Let Us Lead By Serving Others

    Beta Club is an honors club.
    Beta promotes character
    encourages service
     involvement, provokes
     leaaership skills, ana proviaes
    technological aavantages to
    the members. All of the
    members of Beta work
    together to serve both their
    school ana community by
     recongnizing the achievments
     of each member. Beta gives
    great opportunities to become
     reaaers of tom morrow by
     teaching the skills of toaay.

                                     Row 1. Dan~el Taylor. Chns Thomas  RICkey Culpepper. Wayne Reg1ster, Josh Roberts. Lee Hochrnu  , Jenna Brennan, MIChelle Smtih  Row 2·
                                     Pamela Surrency. Bnttany Peeler. Jenn1fer Webber. Kathenne Kambeck, Kr sten Pamsh, DominiC Deluca, Tiffany Coll1ns  Whitney Parks. AJ
                                     Bradley. Row 3: Justin Yelken. Sarah White, Lmdsay Edenf1eld, Ouanne Combs. Shewn Massey. Brent Crumpton. Scott Hochmuth. Cart Hodson.
                                     Row 4. Cartee Wilson. Shant1el Kannady. Sherod Keen. Derek Case. Anthony Maragom, Shawn Momson. Brandon Arnold, Covlngton Woodey.

     Knsta1n  Parnsh the club pres1dent talks to the
     other members

     Cart   Wilson Is smiling and Allst1n DaVIS IS
     a rtous, but both are anx1ous to be at there
                                     Mr. Cashwell 1s happy to be the Beta club   Lee Hochmuth, Ryan Tresplacoos. K1rst1an  Pamsh. and T1ffany Collons are proud
                                     sponsor.                         offiCers of Beta

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