Page 226 - 2001 Tomahawk
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       Larry & Dorcas Simmons

       1 907 US  Hwy 90 W Gateway Shopping Center

                                                                                125 N.W. 1st Avenue
       Lake  City,  Florida  32055
                                                                          High Springs, Florida 32643
       905-752-2239 Fax  752-2293

       Hours: Monday-Friday  1 0-6 and  Saturday 1 0-5                               (386)454-1511
                                                                                 Fax (386) 454-4831

       Wishing  the seniors of Ft.  White A Blessed  Future ...
                                                                                        Bryan J. Olmert

                                                                                       Go Indians!

                                                                        Create Your Per onal
                                                                        Masterpiece with
                                                                        Art  arved Clas  Ring .

                                                                                                 15  orthwe  t  Fir  t  A venue
                                                                                                 Downtown High  pnng
                                                                                                    (904)  454-3776

                                                                                             40  North  Main  Street
                    Columbia  lobile  Home  Service                                          Birh  Sprinrs.  FL  32U3

                      Complete  Moves  And  Set-Up                                           (904)  454-2311
                                                                                               Hours: Hem-Friday 8-5
                                                                                                           Saturday 8-2

                      "Specialize  In  Ooublew d  "
                             Terry  Thrift,  Owner
               Loc•l or St•tewlde           Rt  1, Box 239-B-8
              Llcenaed And lnaured        L•ke City, Florida 32055   Beauty &  Baner Shap

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