Page 228 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 228
2001 Tomahawk Yearbook Staff Member of
the Year:
Michelle Smith
New beginnings make way for new traditions. The year 2000-2001 has been a year of establishment for
rules, customs, and traditions. It was also a year of renewal. The Tomahawk Yearbook Staff was no exception.
Old traditions came alive as the book adopted the original yearbook name. Old fashioned ways were up dated
and modified to fit in with the technology of today, but were not forgotten.
New traditions of the new millenium included adopting a class trademark (a tomahawk drawn by Viva
Hilgerson of the staff), and establishing the honor of
being chosen Tomahawk yearbook staff member of
the year. This award is a major accomplishment. To
be selected, the staff member had to be willing to
give 200% effort 1 00% of the time. This student does
not have to have straight "A's" on his or her report
card, rather straight "A's" for attitude. This person is
hand-picked by the advisor based on effort and attitude.
Pride in the yearbook is also part of the criteria. The
awardee will remain unknown until the arrival of
the yearbook. The recipient receives a
complimentary engraved book along with a
The 2001 Tomahawk Staff Member of
the Year goes to Michelle Smith. Michelle "Mickie"
has proven her efforts on more than several
occasions. Holidays and Saturdays didn't stop her
from pitching in to help with the last minute details. One
thing was for certain, you could always count on
Michelle to be there even through the rough times.
Michelle has been a pleasure to work with this
year. She hung tight even through the bad moods,
yelling, and lectures of disappointment.
Tomahawk Yearbook Staff Member of
the Year is the highest award given in the
Journalism program. It is not easy to earn. I am
proud to be giving the 1st Annual award to such a
generous person.
Michelle, you worked very hard. I
appreciate all of your time and effort. I know I did not say "Thank you" enough. The student body has you to
thank for getting a yearbook, not to mention a yearbook of such calibur. I look forward to working with you next
year. I would say you can take the summer off, but as you know, the work doesn't stop. Next year's book has
Thanks for everything,