Page 71 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 71
Davtd Lambert
Brandon McDaniel
Chnstma McDonald
David McKee
Troy Melton
Meghan Mtlatz
Darryl Mtller
Darrell Mmcey
Alicia Mtimieheld
Justm Mornson
Sm are worth a thousand words to Desorae Pender and Savannah Edgar.
Sarah Mornssey
Joann Moyer
Melissa Muckle
Matt Nazworth
Mtchael Norris
Todd North
Amanda Olson
Lue Anne Pace
Temeka Parker
Destrae Pender
Cilia Phillips
Jamte Phtlltps
Ntcole Ponce
Alfonso Pope
Sherry Pope
Oh, I th.nk they both get an award for cU1est couple. Freshmen Stephanoe Swondell, Enc North. Car1ee W\oson Jesstca Porter
and Sophomore Trey Beauchamp.
Katheryn Porter