Page 66 - 2001 Tomahawk
P. 66
Our qth ~rade ~ear is the
new ~e~innin~ of a new season, the
dawn of a new erao We are the
class of 2004. the ~e~innin~ class
in the new rniffineurno rrorn this
moment on we must rna~e the ri~ht
chocies a~out our educationo This
~ear we rni~ht ~e lookin~ up to the
other classrnen. ~ut in four ~ears
we will ~e lookin~ down and wiff
have ~ecorne the leaders of the
new hi~h school o
-(?)rand on .McDaniel
Karen Anderson and Joann Moyer pass t1me before go~ng to class
Stephen Roberts. Matt Ga1ney. and Jusbn Momson srmle just before showing off the" actlllg talents at the homecoming Pow·Waw Jessica DaviS and Ali Bmdley th1nk they're sneaky for
leav1ng the lunch tent