Page 160 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 160

Peer Mediation
                                    Below:  Justin  Yelken
                                   and  Jenna  Brennan
                                    never need anyone to
                                    peer mediate them!

                                                                  The  2001 -     are trained to follow a   most of the leadership
                                                           2oo2  Peer  Mediation   crisis resolution format   students  in   Peer
                                                           group  is  headed  by   that allows students to   Mediation  because it
                                                           Mr.  Hancock .  Peer   reach  an  agreement   brings  the  school
                                                           Mediation  is  a  club   without  becoming    together.   They' re
                                                           that resolves  conflicts   involved   in   the   working hard to make
                                                           between students six   situation   of   the   Fort  White   High
                                                           through twelfth grade.   disciplinary  process.   School  a  better and
                                                           Peer    Mediators      We're  lucky  to  have   safer place for all of us.

          Above:   Shanyiele   Middle:  Top  left:  Jessi
          Cannady doesn't just   Johnson, Jessica Davis, Derek
          help  students,  she   Case,  Wayne  Register,  Josh
          helps  keep the school   Roberts,  Brent  Crumpton,
         clean.               Jeremy  Kilgore, and Damien
                               Meyers.  Third  row:  Matt   Right:  Mr.  Hancock  is
                               Mahony,  Scott  Hochmuth,   telling   the   Peer
                               latasha   Reed,   Shawn     Mediators  how  to
                               Morrison,  Whitney  Parks,   resolve  everyone's
                              Sarah White, Chris Sonntag,   problems.
                              Jenna Brennan, Daniel Taylor,
                              and Shannon Cottey. Second
                               row:  Matt  Gainey,  Victor
                              Sheppard, Ryan Trespalacios,                        Above: Josh  Roberts is
                                                                                  taking  notes at a  Peer
                               lee  Hochmuth,  Amanda
                               Bentley,  Amanda  Stalnaker,                       Mediation  meeting . ·
                              Justin Vel ken, Brittany Peeler,                    Great job,  that's  how
                                                                                  to be a leader.
                              and lindsay Edenfield.  First
                               row: Shanyiele Cannady, Elise
                              Whittey, Tacheal Hill, Michael
                               Bauer,  and  Sponsor,  Mr.
                              Wayne Hancock.

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