Page 161 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 161
Bright Minds Working
Below Middle: Kirstian Parrish is
a very organized person and
All The Time always prepares information for
our meetings.
Center: Wayne Register and Far left: Kirstian Parrish,
Daniel Taylor chill on the back president of the Beta Club,
counter during one of their Beta talks to Mr. Cashwell about
Club meetings just "waiting for important business.
the ladies."
The 2001 - 2002 Beta Club
members are as follows:
Wayne Register, Michelle
Smith, Joshua Roberts,
Shawn Morrison, Scott
Hocmuth, Lee Hocmuth,
Whitney Parks, Lindsay
Edenfield, Jenna Brennan,
Beta is an Kirstian Parrish, Ryan
organization designed Trespalacios , Brent
to stimulate the mind Crumpton, Dominic
Deluca, Sherod Keen ,
and to help the
Shawn Massey, Kiki
community through
Jackson, Brittany Peeler,
service projects. This Daniel Taylor, Pamela
year we are planning to } Surrency, Carlee Wilson,
adopt a road with Ricky Culpepper, Brandon
National Honor Society. Arnold, Sarah White, and
Like last year, we are Derek Case.
sponsoring the Spring
Dance on May 4, 2002.
We are hoping to raise
enough money to do
more service projects
and possibly attend the
State Conference next
Right· Melissa long, Whitney Parks
and laura Register are three
intellectual members of the Beta