Page 179 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 179

Christian Learning Center

                                                                         to  perform  the  work   bring  you  closer  to
                                                        T he Christian
                                                                         that God  has given  to   Christ,  it teaches you
                                                  learning  Center is  for   you  and  how  to  be   how to minister to the
                                                 the  purpose of better   popular and  saved  at   sick  and  homeless.  It
                                                  understanding  the     the  same  time.  The   help those to perform
                                                 work that God has laid   main  reason  for  the   the  ministry that God
                                                 on  your  heart.  This   organization  is  to   has laid upon you.
                                                 club teaches  you how

   Above: Club Picture, from left to right. Botttom Row:
    Stephen  Holden,  Breon  Pope,  Eleven  Sheppard,
    Donald Lewis,  Ervin Armstrong. Middle Row: Sade'
    Cranston,  Brandon  Hannah,  Rodney  Minnifield,
    Roger  Dais.  Top  Row  :  Mrs.  Harris-Sponser,  Alfis
   Wilson, Demetrius Lee, Layota Cook, Nathan Welsh.
    Not Pictured: Amber Legree.  Officers Above.

                                                                                                Above:   Demetrius   Lee
                                                                                                dreams of being a superstar
                                                                                                as  he  shows  off  his  bling-

                                                                                                Top  Right: Amber Legree
                                                                                                always  wants  to  learn
                                                                                                more about God,  as  she
                                                                                                reads a passage.

                                                                                                Left: Mrs. Harris is  trying
                                                                                                to keep things in order.

                                             Middle:  Stephen  Holden  is   Above  Left:  Stephen
                                             showing Alfis Wilson that you   Holden  gets  things  in
                                             always  need someone to lean   check  at  the  Christian
                                             on.                         Learning Center.

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