Page 203 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 203
Picking Up Pounds
lady Indians Varsity Simmons as state
The Fort
Team placed NINE qualifiers for girls'
White Girls Varsity
lifters in the 2oo1 - weightlifting were
Weightlifting Team
2002 State Champ- Tracy Gartner,
continued to ionship! Pamela Surrency,
improve from its
Two - time Kara Jo Sykes,
inaugural season
State qualifier Miranda Stephens,
that saw the lady
Brandy Simmons Megan Shaffer, Kyllie
Indians send four
returned for her Koon, Drianna Davis
lifters to the State
second successful and Ethel "Big E"
Championship! The
year. Joining Strawder.
Above: Drianna Davis
and Ethel Strawder
stare down their
opponents while they
wait for their turn.
Above: April Aldridge
concentrates on her
lift. Get pumped up,
2001 - 2002 G iris'
Weightlifting team .
Front Row Left: Safiya
Bishop, Kara Jo Sykes,
Kristin Shaffer, Jamie
Chaplin . Middle:
Drianna Davis, Ethel
" Big E" Strawder,
Brandy Simmons .
Back: janie Wood,
April Aldridge, Brandi
Lowrey, Amanda
Prickett, Coach Terry
Fillyaw, Pamela
Surrency, Tara Harris,
Alia Watson, Tracy
Top: Miranda Stephens Above: Brandi Lowrey Above: Kristin Shaffer
is ready to lift some and Miranda Stephens gets nasty when it
we1ghts. Great form, listen to Brandy comes to weight-
Miranda. Simmons' s team lifting.