Page 204 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 204

Take it to  the Mat

                 Are  you  ready to   for  the  grueling  season   place.  Shawn  Conway
                                   throughout  the  season   came  in  second  place at
         rumble? Wrestling is perhaps   which  means  a  lot  of   the  same  tournament
         one  of  the  most  grueling   running  and  training .
         sports  any  athlete  can                        advancing  to  the  State
         participate in. It is both a test   This year's wrestling team   Finals. All the wrestlers of
         of mind and body in which an   featured  a  new  staff  of   Fort White  High  never
                                   coaches,  Coach  Meeks,
                                                          gave up and showed good
         athlete  must either  pin  his   Coach  Hicks,  and  Coach   sportsmanship
         opponent  or  earn  more
         points  than  him  in  six   Johns.  Some  of  the   throughtout the year.  It
         minutes to win.  A match  is   veteran  wrestlers  of the   wasn't just six minutes to
         six  minutes long and can be   team,  such  as  Shawn   them, it was what they did
                                   Conway and Travis  King,
                                                          in  those six  minutes that
         more tiresome than a whole   had an outstanding year.
         quarter  of  football  or                        they worked  for.  All  the
         basketball.  The  wrestling   Travis  King  came  in  first   painful!  practices  was
         team  had  to  endure  long,   place  at  the  district   worth  every  bit  of  the
                                   Regional  the  Wrestling
         hard  practices  to  prepare   Tournament  for  his   sacrifice.  This is your Fort
                                                          White Wrestling Team.
         ahead.  To  be a wrestler you   weight class but failed  to
         have to maintain your weight
            Right:  Travis  King
            demonstrates a pin for
            the   camera ..... He
            makes  this  look  real
            easy.   Go  get  him

            Middle:    Shawn
            Conway  works  his
            moves  to get a  pin  as
            he  shows  this  wimp
            what  he  is  made  of.
            look at those muscles.

                                Above: As Shawn Conway
                                takes   hold   of   his
                                opponents  hand,  he
                                thinks to himself "You call
                                that a hand shake."

                                 Right:  Chris Sonntag gets
                                 ready  to  rumble  as  he
                                stares down his oppenent.

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