Page 214 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 214

Are you ready for

                    some football?

                                                          Right: Don't lose your
                                                          feet,  that's  how you
                                                          miss  tackles.  Get  it

                                     Above:  Fort  White's
                                     onsides  return  team
                                     tries  to  recover  the
                                     onsides kick.

                                                           Middle:  Fort  White    Above:  Coach  Duval   Top:  The  captains
                                                           huddles to call  a  play   talks to his players and   meet in  the midd  of
                                                           and try to  put points   tries  to  tell  them  the   the field to decide who
                                                           on the board.          fundamentals   at       gets the ball first.

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