Page 209 - 2002 Tomahawk
P. 209

Below:  lee Cote  catches   Below Center: arrod Thomas
                                                                       that fly  ball.  he  makes it   gets  ready just  in  case  Juan
                                                                       look so easy.          Roman strikes.

                                                                       left Center: Matt Mahoney   Upper  left:  Jonathan
                                                                       wacks  the  ball  at batting   Spradley  waits  for  his
                                                                       practice.              partner to return the ball.

                                                                       left:  Trey Beauchamp and
                                                                       Daniel  Taylor  set  up  the
                                                                       cage just in  case the balls
                                                                       get away from the hitters.

                                                                       left:  Back  left:  Coach
                                                                       Blanchard, Jarrod Thomas,
                                                                       Corey   Wilder,   Matt
                                                                       Mahony,  lee Cody,  Juan
                                                                       Roman, Jonathan Spradley,
                                                                       Jay  Stephenson,   Trey
                                                                       Beauchamp,Sean Morrison,
                                                                       Coach Rizzi.  Front left: lee
                                                                       Deland,Thomas  Richards,
                                                                       Stephen  Tillman,  Eric
                                                                       Carpenter, Chuck Baldwin,
                                                                       Kris  Terry,  Daniel  Taylor,
                                                                       Ricky Crawford.

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