Page 110 - 2003 Tomahawk
P. 110

Keep a  sharp loo  out

                 What a great time this is for our
           school and community! As we embark on                               Dear Class of 2003,
           our third year together as a Fort White High                               Watching each one of you grow and
           School family we have indeed seen many                              change from Sophomores to Seniors has been
           positive changes take place around us. We                           an experience I cherish. Your fashion statements,
           continue to see the academic programs                               your ability to chalenge the rules, your
                                                                               commitment to school pride, and your academic
           grow, as well as our extracurricular
                                                                               achievement- these are all the memories I
           programs flourish under dedicated coaching
                                                                               treasure about your class!  I wish you good luck. I
           staffs, sponsors and is a
                                                                               challenge you to make your own luck happen by
           privilege to be a part of such a fine school
                                                                               setting your goals and dreams high and then
           and staff. I wish of you a prosperous and                           working hard to make them come true. I believe
          fulfilling year as we continue to mold this                          in you and stress that you always believe in
           school into one of the finest in the state! To                      yourself. Follow your instincts and listen to your
          the  Senior class,  I wish the best of luck and                      heart. you can and will make your future happen!
           God's blessings on each of your lives as you                        Stay safe, stay in touch and let me know how
           prepare to enter the world. Conduct                                 your domg. I really do care!  Remember you area
           yourselves responsibly and know that your                           part of the history and the mighty Fort White High
           actions will always speak louder than your
           spoken word. Enjoy the year!
                                                                                                    Mrs. Terri  Metrick
                                Mr. Ted  Roush

                                               Dear Students, Faculty, and Alumni,
                                             Over the past three years, we have been
                                            through experiences that have forever
                                            changed us. I am thankful for having been
                                             given the opportunity to be a part of your
                                             lives as the Principal of this fine school.
                                             We have all met milestones. I am all the
                                             better for it,  and I hope that you can say
                                            the same. it is my hope that you will enjoy
                                            this yearbook with the knowledge that it
                                             will bring back fond memories for years to
                                             come. These memories will be everlasting
                                             for all of us. Thank you, yearbook staff, for
                                             documenting our experiences here at Fort
                                             White High School.

                                                              Keith  L.  Hatcher

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