Page 141 - 2003 Tomahawk
P. 141

Unit1                              0

     The members of this                                                                         The dance team
     year's  Unity Too                                                                           attended UDA
     Middle School Dance
                                                                                                 dance camp in
     Team are:
                                                                                                 July at Daytona
       Captam-Rachel                                                                              Beach's Emory
           Register                                                                               Riddle  University.
      Co-captain-Jenny                                                                           They won a
         Bedenbaugh                                                                              trophy for their
      Co-captain- Caitlin
          Peruyero                                                                               exciting home
       Danielle Gainey                                                                            routine. They also
      Courtney Williams                                                                          attended state
        Ariel Kimball                                                                            competition in
      Sabrina Culpepper                                                                           Gainesville in
         Ashley Haire
        Chelsea Arvin                                                                            January. Their
                                                                                                  sponsor this year
                                                                                                  was Mrs. Shelley

                                                           Left: The girls strike
                                                           their ending position
                                                           after running through
                                                           their new routine at

                                                           Right: The girls put their
                                                           heads together to think
                                                           up new and different
                                                           ideas for their
                                                           competition routine.

     The Unity Too dancers love to cheer on everybody else while                                           Far left:
     they wait for their turn to dance.                                                                    Chelsea
                                                                                                           shows her
                                                                                                           while she
                                                                                                           dances at
                                                                                                           the pep

                                                                                                           Left: You
                                                                                                           can tell that
                                                                                                           loves what
                                                                                                           she's doing,
                                                                                                           look at that
                                                                                                           smile on
                                                                                                           her face.

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